This multi-station workhorse provides health club quality strength training for up to three people simultaneously (with optional GKR9).
The G9 series of gyms features a multi-function Press Arm Station for bench press, incline press, shoulder press and chest supported mid row exercises.
The Perfect Pec™ Station with fully adjustable range of motion allows users to achieve deeper muscle penetration for faster, more defined results.
The Leg Press/ Calf Press Station operates on its own seperate weight stack, with a 2 to 1 weight ratio, giving the G9 Gyms the awesome capacity of a 420 lb leg press.
Add the optional Vertical Knee Raise / Dip Staion (GKR9) and up to three peopel can workout simultaneously on the G9S.
Advanced engineering has resulted in exceptional range of motion and full adjustability for any size user. The multi-grip press arm system delivers deep and effective muscle interaction for chest, incline and shoulder press movements.
No need to sit on the floor to perform rowing exercises with the G9S, simply grasp the mid row handles for an exhilarating mid and lower back workout that will increase flexibility, build strength and relieve lower back stress.
The G9S includes a powerfule Leg Press & Calf Press attachment that operates on a 2:1 ratio turning the 210 lb. weight stack into 420 pounds of leg-blasting workouts. Advanced design reduces spinal compression while allowing full range-of-motion in a natural, biomechanical movement. Fully adjustable back pad and an ergonomically designed, pivoting foot plate accomodates all size users for a complete leg and calf workout.
The G9S Includes a Pec Dec Station that feature computer designed, dual-overhead variable resistance cams that allow each arm to operate independantly providing unilateral and bilateral chest, back and shoulder conditioning. Pop-pin adjustable seat elevates vertically to properly align your hands and elbows with the swiveling hand grips for proper alignment. Perform one-arm reverse flys for back and shouler development.
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In-Store (In-Box) Pickup - Free
Delivery of your item(s) to your selected local retail store. Your selected retail store will contact you when your items(s) is in store, ready to be picked up. The item(s) will be in box, and does not include assembly - unless clearly stated.
Standard Delivery - Free
Delivery of your item(s) to the curb at the end of your driveway. This service does not include set up or assembly of items or removal of packaging materials. This method is not available for accessories - see accessory shipping below.
Threshold Delivery - $149.00
Delivery of your item(s) into the first door of the address or the lobby of an apartment or condo. This method places products on the first dry area of the recipient's property to ensure protection from the elements.
Delivery & Assembly - $199.00
Delivery of your item(s) into any room you choose and assembled by a team of professional delivery and assembly technicians. All packaging will be hauled away.
Accessory Shipping - $9.95
Delivery of your item(s) to ground level front or back door, garage, or apartment building lobby.
Item(s) listed as on display at your local store can be purchased and are usually delivered within 7-14 days, but will not exceed 90-days of purchase.
Merchandise Returns will be accepted for 14 days provided the product is still in it's unopened original packaging. No returns will be accepted after 14 days from date of possession. Merchandise Returns will be accepted on products that are built or out of original packaging for a period of 7 days from date of possession. All products returned within 7 days of possession built or in open box or out of original packaging will incur a 25% restocking fee. This applies to products delivered or picked up at a store or distribution center. Products must include all original paperwork and manuals. Merchandise Returns will be accepted on products that are built or out of original packaging from day 8 to 14 of possession. All products returned within 8 to 14 days of possession built or in open box or out of original packaging will incur a 35% restocking fee. This applies to products delivered or picked up at a store or distribution center. Products must include all original paperwork and manuals. No returns will be accepted on any Free weight products including dumbbells, adjustable dumbbells, bars, weight plates, and free weight benches. No returns will be accepted on any accessories. All floor model, pre-built, or used products will incur a 35% restocking fee from date of possession up to 14 days.No returns on special order products. Delivery fees are non-refundable on delivered product.
Lines of Credit
Call, visit or email your nearest Johnson Fitness & Wellness store to apply for financing with Wells Fargo.
+Subject to credit approval. Ask for details.
Installment Loans
Rates are between 0-36% APR. Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check, may not be available everywhere, and are provided by these lending partners: affirm.com/lenders. Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. Estimated payment amount may exclude taxes and shipping. For licenses and disclosures, including information for New Mexico residents, see affirm.com/licenses. CA residents: Loans by Affirm Loan Services, LLC are made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lender license.